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Friday, February 18, 2011

Surface mails

Any surface area, anywhere has become a message post. The posts are of  hardly any value... for example, names of children on the  car windshields.What is the message behind this? that the children own the car? that if caught by the police , to contact these children?
Packaging for protection of the product now has multiple functions...not just the info about the product itself, but the transparency  of the packaging leads the viewer to  multiple visions of the value of the product. This in itself  is of course  not a bad idea; but when the product is of not much value, the packaging quickly gives the message of a super product ! shirts in plastic covers have an aura of  a great brand which invites clients  not to touch and feel the quality of the cloth but look and savour the beauty of the shirt which lies within and get enchanted with visions of wearing it...